Architecture Urban Design Design Management Expert Witness
We are a London based established design consultancy who solve design problems with creative, intelligent and logical solutions. We look holistically at the spatial configuration of design and its socio, economic and environmental impact on 21st
century life.
We listen to our clients with dedication to provide premium quality services and building longstanding professional relationship.
We offer design services in architecture, urban design and Design Management.
We are Registered Recognised Urban Design Practitioner of the Urban Design Group
We are focused on RIBA Plan of Work Stages from Strategic Definition to Technical Design including:
* Comprehensive Scheme and Detailed Architectural and Urban Design Projects
* Full Planning, Building Control and Tender Packages
* Negotiation with Local Authorities and Government Bodies
New Build, Conversion, Extensions and Fit Outs in Residential, Mixed Use, Tall Buildings, Education, Health Care, Hospitality, Retail, Commercial, Transit and Transports Urban Realm Improvement, Regeneration and Master Planning Projects.
* Design Consultancy, Advice and Guidance
* Design Aim, Aspirations, Brief and Strategy
* Design Concepts, Sketch, Proposal & Drawings
* Design Options, Feasibility and Frame Works
* Design Research, Character Study , Impact and Analysis
* Design Masterplanning and Regeneration
* Design Management, Plan, Programme and Logistics
* Design Policies, Regulations
* Design Sustainability and Efficiency
* Design and Access Statements
* Design Impact Assessments
* Design Pre Planning Consultation and Advise
* Design Planning Applications and Planning Appeals
We also provide Design Tutorials and Mentoring for Students.

Expert Witness
RIBA Expert Registered & Member of The Academy of Experts
* Accept appointment as both joint and single expert
* Give independent and impartial opinion.
* Expert Reports, Dispute Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation
* Consider matters arising from or relating to the management of the early strategic stages of the projects penetrating right through to the preparation and brief, design, technical information, planning, building regulations and listed building consents, tender process, contract administration through to in use stage.
* Planning Appeals
* Fire, Wind, Flood
* All building types including Tall Buildings, Transit Transport Hubs
* Urban Realm and Spaces including Squares, Town Centres